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Muscatine North & South Railroad Company

Our New Railroad / Time-Table


The Muscatine North and South Railroad  has a place in the "Traveler's Official Guide" for January, page 41, where the time-table appears. Next month the map of the road will also appear in the Guide. Mr. Darley, the general passenger and freight agent, informs us that only two trains daily (not three as here-to-fore published), will be run on the road at the beginning. These trains will be as follows:

Effective Jan. 20, 1899. Daily except Sunday.

Only One Right-of-Way Contest

Wapello Republican, 12th: Attorney Henry Jayne, of Muscatine, was in the city Saturday looking after the interests of the M.N.& S. He says that the road has only one contest case in the District Court, in Muscatine County, owing to the fact that they made arrangement with all property and mortgage owners to have the appraisers sit as a jury and each side produce evidence as to the value of the land to be appraised. The method is a good one and if it had been followed in this county much expense and ill feeling would have been avoided. The case in that county is for the sum of twenty dollars.

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