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IaMoKa - Iowa Missouri & Kansas Railway

The IaMoKa (Iowa, Missouri & Kansas Railway) is a fictional railroad that was the creation of three individuals from those aforementioned states, and the lines they grew up with and model to this day.

Charles Dix, co-founder of grew up in SW Missouri and the FRISCO is in his heart. He also has a soft spot for MO (Missouri Pacific). 

C Scott Richardson, also co-founder of, grew up in Eastern Iowa and went to sleep at night with the headlights of passing Rock Island trains in his bedroom window.

The third original member was from Kansas. He was a Santa Fe kinda' guy.

Our private layouts we model created the Iowa, Missouri & Kansas Railway. Some of those layouts can be seen on our Facebook page.

 ... the Conductor.



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Muscatine N&S RR

Iowa Missouri Kansas

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